Internet adventures!
Started around October 20th, 2024 through the 29th!
Hi, this is RadicalBlur!
Making this page on my site dedicated to archives of old Geocities or Freewebs-websities I find! Mostly Sonic ones because I probably I like this
series too much is down while writing this though because their website got attacked, I'm wishing them luck getting through it. I haven't been able to look at these archives for these websites for a while because of that but I want to write down some I found so far! Going to update this whenever I find another website I like and think is cool
Really want to start on this because I haven't for a long time, figuring out what my website's going to be and all that, I miss being on here and you know..... why not start now?
There's a lot of these old websites that mean a lot to me, just random people's places on the internet dedicated to what they like, seeing what they've been through, or made and in a way, stories they have? I really like how the internet was back then, a lot of these websites are from the 2000s. That time feels special to me
I feel a lot of this good energy from seeing things from that time, I can't even explain it or put it in words. Thinking about how people used to be on these websites and that they were active back then, seeing them now, they feel like a lost place. Sometimes I think about how they're doing today. I'm going talk about these cool sites and take some pictures with my old camera but I'll put screenshots of them here! I recommend you checking out these websites first and later reading what I said about them!
Anyway, this is my story so far on some really cool websites I found!
(An update on this but the Wayback Machine is back up again and I can actually show these websites!)
A couple months ago, I think, back in JULY actually! I was looking at a place on the Internet Archive called Gifcities where you can search any word, or anything and get random gifs of what you searched from these old websites! Mostly from Geocities (you know with the whole name being a take on that) and places like Freewebs!
I typed "Sonic" of course and I got a lot of random Sonic gifs from these old websites from back then. And that's how I accidentally found all these websites!
A lot of them have links to other websites that they liked or their friends' or affiliates to their site and I found more cool ones too! A lot
of these gifs feel special and remind me of the past a lot, they have a good feeling to them and the same with these websites,
there's sprite art, pictures and then there's really, REALLY random gifs, like this

Sonic Beyond
Anyway, let's go! Going to start with a website that means a lot to me for some reason called "Sonic Beyond"! Here if you want to check it out!

I come back to this site a lot, I get a certain feeling from it I can't explain. It was a Sonic website from around early 2004, around when Sonic Heroes came out! I think a group of people came together and made it. They had an updates feed where they'd talk about the website and things they did, their updates feed helped me figure out part of how I would set up my updates on my website and it inspires me a lot! So, thanks Sonic Beyond! Of what I know, the people that were on this website were Sonic Neo, Redbird, someone called Knuckles and Double X but both their pictures don't show up at all and weren't archived so, that's kinda sad
Same with a couple of the pictures that make up of what the site looks like. There was two pictures on both sides of their logo at the top and where the links are but they don't show up because of that. There's an older archive of their site though that does have pictures at the top! One with Sonic from Sonic Battle I think and Shadow from Adventure 2! But I think they ended up changing it, that it wasn't archived at the time and that's probably why it doesn't show up now?

I really like their icons of them in the updates too and just how their whole site was laid out. In the updates area, they were talking about other websites they were on and Redbird said that he was making another site called "12StonesBeyond" dedicated to a band called 12 Stones? Haven't heard them before but going to check them out later, but anyway I'm thinking that there could be more websites with Beyond in the name and that Sonic Beyond is one of them! Maybe I'll find more eventually? Actually starting from the beginning of all the updates, he was talking about one he made called "HumorBeyond", might find that someday too?
There's a lot that they said they made and put on there like music and MP3s and gameplay movies but those weren't archived too.... Think it's really sad because in one of their updates, they were saying that the guy called Knuckles on there made a movie of them playing the Green Hill stage from Sonic Adventure 2! They were saying that this was probably the first movie of it on the internet!

Yep, that was audio..... and what you did when you didn't have any sound in a video, just really like how he says "Oh hey! Just play the first Sonic the Hedgehog on the Genesis, that's the music!" and ya know, he IS right! Man, had to sharpen videos a lot back then when they were blurry. Really wish these videos/movies were archived here but maybe I'll still find them someday! I just think of what they look like from the names

I think that the one with Sonic vs. Knuckles could be that WHOLE SCENE from Sonic X with them fighting each other and Knuckles breaking down trees and allthat, they put "What I'm Made Of" from Sonic Heroes next to it and I think of that probably playing through the WHOLE video, a recording of City Escape would've been cool to see too! I really think it was because this site was around when Sonic X came out!

They had a page for Sonic news, this was 2004, so this is was what was out at the time! They were talking about Sonic Heroes and that it had a fourth team just called "Team Metal"? And you know, that doesn't exist, rumors, am I right?
An update but something weird on this though, I can't find what I was talking about at all on Sonic Beyond anymore! I've seen Sonic Heroes on the Sonic news page before and a couple other games but I don't even see them now, I've looked at every page to see if I got it confused but... it's just not there! Every archive I look at now doesn't talk about this and I feel like I'm going crazy, I don't know, maybe it'll show up eventually and I'll find it! But I'm really confused, this is just really weirdThere was also a chat room where anyone could talk in! The script for the chat was archived but it doesn't load because it was a live chat.. and that the service just doesn't exist anymore. My computer's actually trying to load it but it only gives an error. I looked in the HTML and it was an IRC chat! Sometimes think about what they were saying on there back then and just what it was like

They had a forum too! And this picture's amazing

They were running it on Invision Power Boards? Looking online hearing from back in the day that you could host forums on your own computer and that sounds cool to me! They had it online too and I think that's what they did, I checked out the forum page but none of the links were archived except the homepage, sad it just wasn't archived

You can kinda see a preview of what they were posting on there, it's not so much but it's still interesting to see it at that time. Makes me imagine what they were saying on there back then with just the names of the posts. Don't think it was archived because it was just starting and that I think it was just a small website at the time, I think it was mostly the members of Sonic Beyond that were talking on their forum, but I think some people probably joined at that time, makes me think about what people said when they first joined in the welcoming area, that "Who are you?" page

And the latest person who joined the forum from the time of the archive is Shadow? THE REAL ONE?
Anyways, I could REALLY go on about this website, there's kind of a lot of updates they made, there's a lot I could say about all the cool things on this site but I'm not going to go through everything because there's A LOT! One update I'm thinking about is how a lot of people found their site on AOL chat rooms and that they advertised on there back then!
This site means a lot to me for some reason, I get some special feeling from being on it, guess it's from seeing how things were back then like everything and that this was around from Sonic in the 2000s and I think it was one of the best times. Even though games like Sonic Adventure were kinda eh with the camera, ESPECIALLY the first game! They're still one of my favorites! Recommend checking out this site for yourself and have your experience with it, if you want to comment about it here too on my Neocities page if you want, you can! And I started archiving this site on my computer! I'm thinking about making an archive of it here sometime, I made some updates on Sonic Beyond too on random things I found on it every once in a while and I think I'll post those here soon! Might make a page dedicated to this site?
An UPDATE! So yep, I made a page for Sonic Beyond and I made an archive of it! And all those updates I made before, I put on here! There's so much more stuff I found from this site I talked about on here, a different forum, a central beyond website called Web Beyond! Because I guess they were making a lot of websites with "Beyond" in the name, it's on their links page! And I found an earlier version of Sonic Beyond's website! Anyways, I could go on about this site but you can check out this page if you wanna see more of this site!

I'm still going to check out this site more and the affiliates on their page and I really might come back to this site and post more about it later! Let's keep going!
Sonic and Shadow page
So, this website is all in Spanish and was called "Sonic y Shadow" which is just Sonic and Shadow? From the url, I'll just call it the Sonic and Shadow page
And THIS site is kinda randomly thrown together, this place doesn't have so much on it but it's just one of the random ones I found, there's a couple cool things on it though. So, when you first go on this site, you get a message from them that I'll translate
"Welcome! I hope you enjoy my Sonic website click on accept to enter carefully: the web master"Was confused about "the webmaster" at first but it's just a name for who owns the site
"This website is still under construction so you will have to wait a little longer for other sections, downloads, etc. to be ready. Sincerely, Dark Shadow"DARK SHADOWW, the guy who made this website went by "Dark Shadow" I guess and this is the most random homepage ever, that's I'll all say


I found this site randomly from Gifcities and first came across it from the pages about Sonic characters where they'd talk about them, who they are and all that like on Sonic Channel! But I really like how this about page for Shadow is laid out, the whole site has this layout with a blank background and same with the pages for the other characters, but I think it fits the best with Shadow's
(The text at the top for Shadow is blurry because it scrolls on the screen which I really like)

There's one for Tails too, my guy and everyone else but they're more unfinished looking somewhat, I think Shadow's the only finished-looking page?

There's pages for games and one of them is Sonic Advance! But for some reason, this guy gets mad at you when you right-click on the page and just throws popup windows at you and I don't even know why?? Maybe it's because of people copying and stealing from websites back then? And if you do it again, he'll make you have to click the popup windows like 10 or 15 times and keep increasing it if you keep doing it andd just from even clicking on the page and not right-clicking for some reason? I don't get it

There's a page with gifs too! And yep, that gif with Shadow spinning a second ago is there


Not going to go too much into this site because there's not so much on here and the character pages are what I mostly saw when I first found it but, I might come back to it later though!
Sonic Stop
This place was linked on Sonic Beyond's website! There's a button to their website on here and the picture for it's archived!

I couldn't find that many archives of Sonic Stop but this was it from 2004! Random note going off all this but I'm eating some banana bread right now and it tastes REALLY GOOD!

This place took a bit to get to and find an archive of! The first time, I found it on Sonic Beyond but it took me to an archive when the site was moving from to, but going to there, it links to an archive of when they were closing the website down! But I found this archive of it from Geocities and this might be the only one? Anyways, I really like how this website looks!

I was actually going to do this kinda design for my site! With the dashed lines and the gradient on the sections they were doing! I like the Sonic characters on them too and that they're all different "stops" you could go to! I still want to do this kind of design and thought of it before, but I don't want to be stealing this design or something like that. I'll still go for somewhat of this style but I want to make it different! That header is awesome too! I like all the Sonic's in the background I think drawn by Uekawa? How he draws Sonic means a lot to me. The whole space in the middle I think are updates? But it don't show up anymore and instead shows Yahoo's website-building-website, I don't think it's archived and just redirects to that. Also if you see that right now, I don't know why the picture of the dog is so damn funny to me
There was a chat on here that's archived, cool to see what people said back then! And someone got a DS! Someone called "shadow hedgehog" got a website too! Man how many people were called Shadow?? Or is it really him????

Some of the links weren't archived and nothing shows up when you click on them, the music page shows this I guess when the site was still being made?

And there's this gif of Sonic just resting, he's tired
There's a lot to say looking through all these! They had a sprite comic area and surprised me that it's actually archived!

I was worried about the name of this one but eh.... it's.... alright
Sonic's just standing in the middle of nowhere at the beginning, he always do that? There's more of this but I'm not going to read just because
Man, Sonic is like me

When was this a saying?

There's a profile page about the characters! Some of the pictures are missing but you... ya know what they look like, I don't know why but I like the water background this site has, I don't know, something about it

My guy Tails! He's "Yellow" according to this, you could say he's orange-colored but I've always known that he's an amber color or you could just say orangish-yellow! They were saying that Tails met Sonic when he was "performing"? And I don't remember that? Heard there's a lot of stories of how Tails met Sonic, maybe there's one from the comics like this? I just really don't know, I always remember people hurting Tails and Sonic stumbling upon what's going on and helping him out and they eventually became friends. Don't know what they mean by performing either? On a stage? Music? Tails makes music? (Starts remembering Tails and the Music Maker) They did get a lot of this right though

Shadow is here too! They're saying that he's around fifty years old? I don't know if Shadow has an age, he was created genetically? I guess you could say he's that age

And Eggman.... no one knows his age?

I remember that some wallpapers were tiled back then! I got that one with the silhouette of Sonic and a lot of other wallpapers too, hey, I might put them on this website

Just a sad thing in general about all these old sites is that just some pictures are completely gone and weren't archived, I think about that there's some pictures that are probably gone forever, that just aren't on the internet at all anymore. There's a site I found and know with a lot of art and pictures of Tails, but nothing was archived, I'll talk about later! It's just kinda sad to see that there was more pictures but they don't show up because of that, there's only four Sonic gifs on this page. Guess there's a header too? But that isn't here anymore. The gifs page has a starting page where you can pick a character and get gifs of them but it looks like another site I've seen? Maybe it's the same one? I can't remember, I'll come back to this if I find it

Sad that Tails doesn't have gifs

Moving on, I found banners they had for the site!

They had a news page and one of the things that they were saying is that there was going to be a game called "Sonic Smackdown"? I've never heard of it, a Sonic DS game that I've heard about before and Shadow's game of course. I don't know why rumors are interesting to me, not sure if Sonic Smackdown was a whole made up name or it really was a game that didn't make it? Looking that up, there is an actual Sonic fighting game called this that's not official! It looks really good and I'm thinking about playing it some time! This news on this site though was around 2004 or 2005 and I'm confused on how there's an actual game called this today? Maybe it was a made-up name or there really was another Sonic fighting game that people were talking about online? This is the only place on the internet from a long time ago that I'm hearing about a "Sonic Smackdown"! Also, that sounds like a wrestling move name just thinking of that!

I'm just now getting reminded of that Sonic skateboarding game that wasn't finished and never came out, looking it up it was called "Sonic the Hedgehog Extreme"! Not trying to be confusing with Sonic X-Treme Hearing that someone found this game on a development version of a 2000s Xbox and shared it on the internet! Here if you want to check it out! Don't know if this is possible to play on my Xbox but I might try it out later! This game actually sounds like a really good idea, kinda sad this never came to be but there's something about this I like, this looks like the most 2000s game I've seen, also Tony Hawk Sonic??

Anywayss, I got all caught up in that, there's links to other websites that were affiliated with Sonic Stop that I've seen a lot and that I'm going to check out later! They said on this page that Sonic Beyond is a unique website and said "unique" a lot but I agree!! Glad they appreciate them, it's cool that they were affiliated with them too! All these websites here look cool! Want to get through the sites I've been to before right now but I'm going to check them out soon!

The staff of the site! Interesting to me for some reason to see what people's names were back then and their AOL messenger names!

I found a forum to this site too! I really like the theme and the background it has, it's got a feeling to it personally think it looks kinda too blue and too dark but it is what it is, I sitll like how it looks! I'll put a couple posts I found and like here! Not all of it was archived but some of it actually was!

That person called "animefan" who said they got a DS in the chatbox earlier said that they finished Sonic Heroes! That's awesome! No one else posted here yet and this was around the time the game first came out, so not everyone's finished it yet of course. I haven't yet but I'm still going to soon!

And also! Wait what's this?

YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Nah I'm kidding, I don't fall for tricks THAT EASY!!

This guy said that Sonic 3 and Knuckels is the awsomest game EVER!! I kinda question the pink color too but, it feels like an enchanted color, you know what I mean? If he was still red, it wouldn't really make sense, in my opinion. Really like how this guy's saying it like "That's HYPER KNUCKLES to YOU!" Still awesome though

Someone on here also wanted a second NiGHTS into Dreams game! I haven't played this game yet.... I know... I know.. but I do have it and might soon! But I agree with them, it's a game that's been forgotten about, it feels strange in a way to me but it's interesting too!

This guy doesn't like Sonic X

I agree in a way with some things, the page wasn't archived though so I couldn't see what he said but there's good and eh about this show, I like Sonic's art style from 2000 back then but for example that art of Sonic from Sonic X online, you know, I don't like it, looks kinda weird to me in a way but I do like how he looks throughout the show and makes me happy seeing Sonic in that art style being animated. I kinda like the idea of Sonic getting accidentally transported to this world, but there's things I just don't like about it at the same time, like Chris really isn't my kinda character, that's my opinion though!
And I think this guy's calling Sonic speed a little.... too much!

I found these links at the bottom of the page because of the forum they were using, I know they wouldn't put this here but just saying who would click on these? Proboards, who would click on these? I'm looking at Sonic, I don't want to go on a plane vacation! Man, talk about a low-budget flight! alright... eh enough of that...
Extreme PCs?

When I was first writing this earlier, I found another archive of the site around 2009!

Personally think the site looked better before, I think they were starting to bring the website up again because of before, they were saying that they were closing the site down because they were getting busy with life and couldn't maintain the site, I get that. Wherever they all are now, I hope they're doing alright to this day, all these old websites I've looked at, same with you reading this, hope ya have a good day!
I like what they were doing with the style of the headers where all the I guess panels? are, the navigation, news area, affiliates, I like the style they were doing! I don't like the header on this version of the website too much because of talking about this picture of Sonic from Sonic X before, I think it's okay but it looks a bit weird to me, I don't know.... I like the warped background, it could be an effect with water, I like how it looks and it reminds me of certain things from the 2000s
Think that's all I got to say about Sonic Stop, same with all of these sites, I might come back to them later! Might find something new!
I really want to show more websites but this page is starting to get really full! So, I think I might continue this later! I wanted to talk about all these websites throw it all on one page but the file size is getting big and I don't want this to take up too much bandwidth and be a lot to download! All the websites aren't going to be on seperate pages but I'll put as much as I can on one page and start another if there's A LOT! And as this keeps going, I'll make something where you can start from the beginning until now! Going to talk about websites I find on here, I might even be in the middle of writing sometimes, so check back if you want!
This is the end.... for now! See ya later and make sure to check out these cool websites for yourself, so you have your own experience with them!